An online quiz for diagnosing sleep apnea

Take the Sleep Apnea Quiz & Find out if You’re at Risk

Sleep apnea is a very common sleeping disorder that often goes undiagnosed. The free 100% online quiz below is based on the most common sleep apnea symptoms that are used during sleep apnea tests and medical diagnosis. This quick questionnaire should not act as a replacement for visiting your physician or primary care provider, but it can offer a strong test indication of whether or not you are at risk.

The survey is 12 questions long and will display your results immediately. Each question of the quiz has a detailed explanation below (simply continue scrolling down the page). In fact, you can use the detailed answers as a sleep apnea self-test.

Understanding the Quiz

Question 1: Excessive daytime sleepiness, or hypersomnia, is a common symptom of sleep apnea. This can include feeling exhausted during the day even though you got plenty of sleep the night before. You should see your doctor to be tested for sleep apnea if your drowsiness causes you to fall asleep at inappropriate times, like when you’re working or driving.

Question 2: Snoring, especially if it’s loud enough to disturb others or cause you to wake yourself up, is a prominent symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, the most common type of apnea. It’s important to note that not everyone who snores has sleep apnea and not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. But you should see your doctor if you snore loudly, especially if your snoring is interrupted by periods of silence.

Question 3: Alcohol, and other sedatives or tranquilizers, can relax the muscles in your throat to the point that it may obstruct your airway. Similarly, smoking increases your risk of developing sleep apnea because smoking may cause inflammation or fluid retention in your upper airway.

Question 4: If you’re carrying some extra pounds, it’s possible that some fat has deposited around your upper airway. That can obstruct your breathing, causing obstructive sleep apnea. It’s important to note, however, that people who are at a healthy weight develop this disorder, as well.

Question 5: Abrupt awakenings, especially when accompanied by shortness of breath, can be an indication of the central variety of sleep apnea. Waking with a dry mouth or sore throat can indicate you had been snoring during the night. Morning headaches are also a common symptom among sleep apnea sufferers.

Question 6: You’re more likely to develop the obstructive type of sleep apnea if you have a hard time breathing through your nose, regardless of if the nasal congestion is caused by an anatomical problem like deviated septum or allergies.

Question 7: You may be at an increased risk of developing the obstructive type of sleep apnea if the disorder runs in your family. If you have a family member who has been diagnosed and you are suffering from other symptoms of sleep apnea, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Question 8: Having obstructive sleep apnea increases your risk of stroke, and if you have undetected heart disease, sleep apnea could cause a sudden heart attack. If you have central sleep apnea, it is likely a cause of your heart disease. Having high blood pressure also can be a complication of both types of sleep apnea.

Question 9: Adults older than 60 are significantly more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea than those who are younger, and people older than 65 are at higher risk for developing central sleep apnea, especially if they also have other risk factors.

Question 10: If you experience shortness of breath that awakens you from your sleep, or if your partner notices that you have pauses in your breathing in your sleep, you should see a doctor.

Question 11: Women are less likely than men to be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea according to a 2013 study led by UCLA. The study also found that the women who were diagnosed with OSA were also more likely to be severely impacted in terms of mood and judgment.

Did the results say you are at low risk, but you know you’re having abnormalities with your sleep? Click here to take a sleep test by the London Sleep Center that tests for a multitude of sleep disorders.

This survey is not designed to be a replacement for the advice and knowledge of a medical or healthcare professional. Consider sharing the information you discover here with your physician or healthcare provider in order to assist them in determining the optimal treatment options. We will never share the information you provide and we respect your privacy. Return home.